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Validation for Helm approach


First, find out the external IP address for traefik ingress:

kubectl -n orthweb get service orthweb-traefik -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

Ensure that the DNS names and resolve to the external IP address of the traefik service.

Web Service

To validate web service, export client CA and run curl command:

kubectl -n orthweb get secret https-secret -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt

curl -v -k -X GET -u admin:orthanc --cacert ca.crt

You should see HTML content of the website. Alternatively browse to the URL. However, browser may flag the self-signed certificate as insecure.

DICOM service

The steps to validate DICOM traffic is similiar to other deployment option. However, because dcmtk utility does not send SNI in the TLS negotiation, I used annonymous tls (+tla) without client certificate for C-ECHO and C-STORE test.

echoscu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tla -ic 11112
storescu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tla -ic 11112 DICOM_CT/123.dcm